Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First time, Last time....

the first time i fell in love was at a concert....didn't know it....if i did, i didn't accept it....didn't want to appreciate it....i wanted to lose it.....figured it wasn't for me....it never had been....why would this time be different....simply exceptional, he was.....he is what i have wanted....what i have dreamed of....but dreams are just reality's nightmares....and everything that has a beginning has an end....so fear has me pulling me back....i will lose this battle....but hopefully win the war....his words, melodic.....his touch, erotic....his sound, exotic....the first time i fell in love was at a concert....wonder if it will be the last.

Thursday, November 05, 2009


in a room full of people, you are still alone....loneliness becomes routine.....and realizing that you have never had anyone around will make u accept all your bad habits....smoking, drinking, cheating, lying.....one sin is no less than the other....but you are human.....you ask for forgiveness everynight....but routine catches up to you the next morning....you just hope that this day is not your last cause routine has done her due diligence....some people are for a season.....that season could make or break your habits.....that person could love you forever or hate you till death....which one do you choose?....the plethora of people you love in your lifetime....you fall in and out of love everyday....you are heartbroken....you leave another heartbroken....and still hope for forgiveness....its your routine....and when do you break this routine?.....only time will tell.....or only you can get tired of it.....which one do you choose.....both will leave you heartbroken.....but like everything else in life, change is the only constant....so while you break one routine, you will adapt to another.....until that one catches up to you.....and you are lost in the cycle.....the cycle of routine.