Friday, December 21, 2007

Just another one!!

I feel ugly; i feel lonely. But i am lonely. in a room filled with noise i still feel alone. therefore no point in feeling lonely because i'm living lonely. I feel defeated. Defeat is felt only by the weak they tell me. So i guess i'm weak. success is soon to come. just not soon enough for me. i dream big. i live small. i fear too much. There is so much i want to do but my fear consumes me. it eats me alive. i hear nothing. silence is calmness; a great virtue. But i hear silence too often. am i going deaf??? no, it's just me, always end up on the short hand of the stick.

Patience is a virtue; Faith is important...... I need to lean on faith more often!!!

We know what we are, but know not what we may be- Shakespeare


Wrote this one sometime last year, for some reason, it is one of my faves!! Enjoy!!

to finally have you in my life is a godsend. god has blessed me with your love, patience, knowledge, confidence and beauty. to finally have you in my life is a miracle. so i pray every night that you will stay with me if only for one more day so we can cherish our todays like we have no tomorrows because for all we know tomorrow is never promised to the likes of me and you. to finally have you in my life is a dream come true. so i dream every night that this love is everlasting because i can't imagine my life love less since i am a person who loves more than she can be loved.
And i wake up, and u never even existed

Your Mundane Existence!!

I'm tired of this mundane existence
Your mundane existence, that is
While you sit there contemplating
Why dude you've been
messin with, sleepin with
is talking to me and not to you
I sit here knowin that I'm,
I'm not even giving dude a chance
Your mundane existence, that is,
has made you so petty, shallow
has made me reflect on my blunt personality
that i inherited from an Eritrean mother
who told me that in order to understand life,
I have to die first.
So i die, a sweet death everyday,
and wake up understanding life.
but you,
You are still stuck in your mundane existence.


I wrote this one about a year and half ago in my handy dandy book of poems; it deserves to be on here so here goes ......... MY REALITY CHECK.

People are not who we think they are. I have learned to forgive but can never forget. I have learned that in order to live you have to let go of your insecurities. I have not done that YET. I have learned to accept my friends for who they are and not what I want them to be. I have learned that my concept of friendship is different from others. I have learned that I don't like losing friends. I have learned that some friends are for a season while others are for a lifetime. I have learned that I'm done making friends. I have learned that alcohol is my #1 enemy and smoking is my #2. I have learned that i talk too much when not needed and talk too little when needed. I have learned that i don't defend myself as much as i should. I have learned that i would rather have my friends be comfortable in my home than myself. I have learned that i put other people's happiness as my priority instead of mine. I have learned that i am lazy. I have learned that i am not as independent as i should be. I have learned that reading gives me a peace of mind. I have learned that I don't know as much about history as I should. I have learned that i mean a lot to some people and a little to others. I have learned that i am wise. I have learned that i am destined for great things. I have learned that i was once lost but now i'm found. I have learned that poetry inspires me. I have learned that knowledfe is what i yearn the most. I have learned that writing eases my heart. I have learned that going A.K.A made me happy. I have learned that going A.K.A wasted my money. I have learned that i'm different. I have learned that i took the road less traveled. I have learned to accept myself as who I am and not how others want me to be. I have learned that i assume too much. I have learned that i am not as brave as i want to be. I have come to terms with myself. I have learned that nothing comes easy in life. I have learned that i love too much. I have learned that a man will not make me complete. I have learned that i am not complete YET. I have learned from my mistakes. I have learned that i am not ready for a man. I have learned that when i am ready for a man that he will be the one. I have learned that i am not ashamed of myself. I have learned that i do not care about image. I have learned that i want to be loved. I have learned that people talk about me as much as i talk abouth them. I have learned to set my mind free. I have learned that i love my culture as much as i hate it. I have learned that i can go on forever. I have learned that i am a freethinker. I have learned that self revealation is key. All this i have LEARNED. All that i have learned........REALITY CHECK.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

All the world's a stage......

"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts;
His acts being seven ages."
Shakespeare in "AS YOU LIKE IT"

Shakespeare said it best in his play "As you like it"; it is a profound observation of the human life. We are all born into this world with specific intentions from God, high expectations from our parents and loved ones. We grow up to leave our parents behind, create our own families, find jobs and live these happy lives that we imagined we would live as children just to realize that life is a play; the world is a stage and we are actors. We act out roles that were meant for us and us only. In everything that comes with life, we act. We act out happiness, sadness, love and all the freaking emotions you can imagine. As actors, we are expected to live, learn, love, hate, achieve and fail. Growing up, we imagine that we will be bestfriends with our bestfriends' forever until we realize that some people are meant to stay in our lives and others are not. There are those people who are placed in your life so you can endure the tests of life together; there are those people who will be encouraging friends and some others who will be discouraging. And when these people have made their exits out of our lives, we realize what a blessing or hindrance they were to our lives. And we continue to act and live, learn, love, hate, achieve and fail. And then suddenly, when we least expect it, we are gone. Dead. People remember our entrance into this world and our exit, our exit is eventually forgotten. After all, all the world's a stage and all the men and woman merly players.