Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Saul Williams

Is word still bond? Courtesy of Saul Williams, "The Dead Emcee Scrolls"

All that i am i have been
All i have been has been a long time coming
I am becoming all that i am

I stand in the middle of all that i have learned
All that i have memorized
All that i've known by heart
Unable to reach any of it
There is no sadness
There is no bliss
It is a forgotten memory

That which I was born
I am no longer
That which i was born
I have lived well beyond
That which I was born
Yet I am

What has become
of my simple truths?
They have become
Complex lies.

Can music change the world?
Are these simply songs to be heard
And forgotten?

Where I live
Music notes take the form
Of dollar signs
Souls sing backup
While material desires
Sing solo

How can I escape this cycle?
Must I turn with the world
In the direction it dictates?
Am I the wind's slave?

Happiness is a medicore standard for a middle-class existence.

The fiery sun of my passions evaporates the love lakes of my soul, clouds my thoughts and rains into you into existence.

-And his words have become my testament......Just appreciate the man's work.

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