Friday, May 09, 2008

Inspire to be inspired

Free verse keeps me sane!!!

Inspiration is slowly creeping in.....slowly finding myself the midst of the chaos, i am calm......i ignore the noise......i accept the calmness from within......and i write.......realize that i am alone.....for some insane reason, i love it as much as i hate it.......the extremes in me face each other....its an ongoing battle......not sure who wins the war but i'm still calm.........isn't that odd?......disassociate myself from the people that don't matter......point being they don't matter.......they will not improve my quality of life and neither will i improve theirs.......i speak louder.....bolder......blunter.......and i'm ok with that.......i find peace when i'm heard.......i care less when i'm not because i'm spirit......searching for more......and i find it......i find it in him........he who is so different from me......i push a lot......push him away......don't go far.....then he pushes me away.......and we end up @ square one wondering what the hell is this friction between us.......eventually one will give up........and inspiration continues to creep the midst of the chaos, i'm not sure i know myself like i thought i did......realize i'm young......still have some growing up to do......start dreaming about the past.........the past that is so much better than my unsure of the future......the past might have been ugly......rememeber a lot.........forget a little......always rememeber the pain.......most importantly remember the good times.....trips to Al Ain......try to forget my dad.....but how can i......i am his daughter.......i am my father's daughter.....therefore i drink like him........i know better though.......the happiest i've seen my mom was graduation......that was it for me........and inspiration continues to creep in......tells me that that i need to inspire another in order to be i do what i do and i do it well!

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