Watched the special today on being Black in America.....especially being a black woman in America......know that i am an educated woman......know the issues i face.....know that i don't have any kids.....know that i don't want to get married until my finances are right....but i wonder what mistakes i will make along the way......i know that as a black woman it will be hard to find a black man that thinks like me, appreciates the things that i should my option be to date a white man? Either way, i'm very openminded to that option because most GOOD black men are either already taken or are gay......and the other half are stuck in jail........and i would know that as a black woman.....but this is where some more questions see i am black.....but most importantly African......and with that comment i have even more narrowed down the chances of me marrying a black again what are my options?.......
Half of the African-American population is uneducated per the special.....we are more than likely to suffer from teenage pregnancies and H.I.V/A.I.D.S.....and we know this....even living in the hood black people know this.....but we still continue to do the things that we do and let history repeat itself?
So tell me America, how do we stop it?
just because your options have dwindled down to next to nothing doesn't mean there aren't any good black men. black men are a microcosm of societies of all people. do you really think you would have anything remotely in common with a white man as opposed to a black man or african man? you speak of similarities but that doesn't say much. when you know the history of white men chasing after our women, lusting after our women behind closed doors but shunning their own children, why would you turn? to be black in america is to be strong, to be a successful black man in america is to be the exception to the rule. strong black women are few and far between just as much as black men are. there are great black women that do nothing but complain, bitch, and moan about their situations but never fixing them. i feel you on being financially set before marriage, but sometimes love doesn't wait for finances to be perfect...for the purpose of marriage is to join as one entity...not to merge as a conglomerate corporate power house. watching this special drummed up so many emotions that it became crystal clear as its always been that i must not be a statistic, i must be an exception to the rule, i must prevail in a world destined to move against me. so as a young, educated, black women you must do the same. if you're happy with a white man, so be it...if its a black man, so be it.
there's more of course, but i'm going to stop here.
ur biggest fan
We combat it by dialogue. That won't fix things today or tomorrow but it is what puts us on the road to recovery. And that road is long and difficult.
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