Sunday, July 20, 2008


I'm addicted to cigarettes
It's a fixation i can't seem to get rid of
Funny how when i'm around certain people its under control
I'm addicted to someone
It's a fixation i can't seem to resist
Funny how when i'm around that person smoking doesn't even come to mind
I'm addicted to writing
It's a fixation i will always embrace
Funny how when i'm writing i can't seem to think of anything else
All my addictions are fatal
They will eventually get the best of me
Funny thing is i have learned to balance them all
Love them equally
They are all exceptional to me
But when the day comes that i have to give them all up
The passion for any of them will slowly diminsh
They will become nothing but distant memories
Favorite distant memories
Signs of the past that will be hard to let go
So i will live and let die

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