Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hate is such a strong word!!!

Hate: an emotion of intense revulsion, distaste, enmity, or antipathy for a person thing or phenomenon. Its funny how i have been hearing this word so much over the past 2 days; its funnier because it is coming from a person who i thought was my friend. I told this person that i wanted to salvage my friendship with me, she agreed, but told other people that she hated living in my apartment. I guess i trust my friends too much. what is there to hate when u live in an apartment for free, do nothing but sleep and don't have to deal with the people u live with for more than an hour.
I feel frustrated, betrayed, used, abused, disrespected, humilated by a person who i though was a close friend of mine.
Forgiveness is the key. Being the bigger person is the key.

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