Tuesday, December 04, 2007

All the world's a stage......

"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts;
His acts being seven ages."
Shakespeare in "AS YOU LIKE IT"

Shakespeare said it best in his play "As you like it"; it is a profound observation of the human life. We are all born into this world with specific intentions from God, high expectations from our parents and loved ones. We grow up to leave our parents behind, create our own families, find jobs and live these happy lives that we imagined we would live as children just to realize that life is a play; the world is a stage and we are actors. We act out roles that were meant for us and us only. In everything that comes with life, we act. We act out happiness, sadness, love and all the freaking emotions you can imagine. As actors, we are expected to live, learn, love, hate, achieve and fail. Growing up, we imagine that we will be bestfriends with our bestfriends' forever until we realize that some people are meant to stay in our lives and others are not. There are those people who are placed in your life so you can endure the tests of life together; there are those people who will be encouraging friends and some others who will be discouraging. And when these people have made their exits out of our lives, we realize what a blessing or hindrance they were to our lives. And we continue to act and live, learn, love, hate, achieve and fail. And then suddenly, when we least expect it, we are gone. Dead. People remember our entrance into this world and our exit, our exit is eventually forgotten. After all, all the world's a stage and all the men and woman merly players.

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