Once again a new year is blessing me with something that i'm despising the most at the moment: getting older. In exactly a month, i'll be turning 24 and as much as i'm happy about it, i'm also saddened because i am really disappointed with the fact that i still am in college. Still young though, have the world in my hand, its time to go, see and conquer. Improvement is needed in many aspects of my life!!!I need to boost my self-esteem back up because i let to many things and people get in the way of my happiness. I can't blame that on them though, i can only blame that on myself. My linesister told me last night that i don't give myself enought credit which is true. Its time to focus on my happiness instead of everybody else's.
Went out last night with my linesister and my neos; had a blast. Saw some familiar faces and some new ones. At the end of the night i had to pick up a friend you had to many drinks to drive and drop him home. Didn't go to sleep till 4 in the morning and i had to be up by 7 to get my car checked for this stupid Geico shit!! Now I'm at work doing what i do best, sitting in this quiet office typing away which is better than being upstairs cause i'm too tired.
My friends are like family to me. I have a deep sense of loyalty to these people because i care about them and vice versa. My linesister told me last nite that she is concerned about me sometimes because she is worried about people hurting me. That had to be the most sincere thing that has been said to me by a close friend in a long time. It made me appreciate my friendship not only with her but with the close people around me. Most people don't understand that when i say "i love u" i mean it; even if i haven't known u for a while but we have a pretty good vibe, that's love right there. Conversation is a form of love whether we like it or not. And thats how i love most of my friends; through words, through conversation.
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